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If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to Hugh Goodridge!
Voicing/Instrumentation: Youth Choir Mixed Or Unison
See more from Hugh Goodridge.
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More about Hugh Goodridge:
I am a retired teacher from the New York Public school. My sideline, which I still do, is piano instruction. My interest in music also centered in music composition focusing more on choral works. Some of my creative works have found a place in "In Melody and Songs", a publication by Darcey Press of Illinois, in 2014. I look forward in posting some of my songs at LDS site.
If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to Hugh Goodridge!
Voicing/Instrumentation: Youth Choir Mixed Or Unison
See more from Hugh Goodridge.
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More about Hugh Goodridge:
I am a retired teacher from the New York Public school. My sideline, which I still do, is piano instruction. My interest in music also centered in music composition focusing more on choral works. Some of my creative works have found a place in "In Melody and Songs", a publication by Darcey Press of Illinois, in 2014. I look forward in posting some of my songs at LDS site.
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Here is a beautiful church response that the choir and congregation can use to close out the church service. Included in the arrangement, is a flute part that gives the rendition a moving feeling.

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