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If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to Doreen McGowan!

Voicing/Instrumentation: SSAA

See more from Doreen McGowan.

Related song categories are:
Fatherhood/Father's Day
Motherhood/Mother's Day/Sisterhood
Savior/Jesus Christ
Teaching/Sunday School

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More about Doreen McGowan:
Doreen has been writing music for church choir, solos, and small ensembles for many years. She is a piano teacher, and also enjoys playing the French horn and bassoon. Mother of 3, grandmother of 7, wife of one wonderful husband. She enjoys creating arrangements for varied groups of instruments - if you have a miscellaneous ensemble that would like to play together (sacrament meeting, ward Christmas party, etc), she would be delighted to create a custom arrangement for you.
Song background:

This was originally written as a solo for a friend.  It was August and time for "back to school" so I thought it would be appropriate to write a song about the joy and responsibility of teaching our children (mothers, fathers, and teachers).  Here is an SSAA arrangement of this piece, also available as an alto solo and for SAB choir. 

Teach the Children (by Doreen McGowan)

You can also bookmark/save this song arrangement to your personal sacredsheetmusic bookmark save list.

Lyrics: Mothers, teach your children of the gospel and its light.
Help them love the Savior and to always know what's right.
Teach them how to pray and help them to hear whisperings of the Spirit as it draws near.

For the children must learn of the great eternal plan that our Father gives to man, to guide us safely home.
And the children will know they have loved as priceless treasure, with a love beyond all measure
As we teach them day by by.

Fathers, teach your children of your testimony true
Show them by example of the things that they must do
Teach them how to serve, and teach them love,
Help them to become like Father above.

Teachers, teach the children of the wonders of the earth,
Fill the thirst for knowledge that is found within from birth.
Teach them of the Lord and they will have peace
Wisdom comes from God and will never cease.


Teach the children, teach the children, and guide them safely home.

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