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If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to Brian Richey!

Voicing/Instrumentation: Organ/Organ Accompaniment

We also have other 26 arrangements of "Teach Me to Walk in the Light".

See more from Brian Richey.

Related song categories are:
Children's Songs
Diligence/Commitment/Endure to End
Eternal Life/Exaltation
Heaven/Celestial Kingdom
Heavenly Father
Plan of Salvation/Premortal Life
Savior/Jesus Christ
Teaching/Sunday School
Trust in God

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More about Brian Richey:
I am not a professional musician. My background is medicine. I just happened to learn piano when I was 8 and despite only a few years of piano lessons (because my piano teacher suffered from Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis or ALS) my theory and technique never got past the "Bastian Level 3 series." That, however, did NOT stop my branch president father from calling me to be primary pianist at age 9 then sacrament pianist at 12. When I turned 19 and called to a mission in SLC-South, I came to learn Wilberg's music as well as James Kasen. I listen to their compositions and try to emulate in my works. After being ward organist for over 22+ years, I take the hymn from the hymn book and "embellish" it as Wilberg, Murphy, and other talented musicians do for us at every General Conference and/or Music & The Spoken Word. I try to add dynamics to the meeting and bring out the spirit with my music. Am I professional? No. Am I any good? Well that depends if anyone else can play in my ward. In this instance, they don't. There are several hymns that I have not arranged yet. As hymns are selected (like over the past 4 years), I try to create a new arrangement in time for Sunday's service. I believe music should be shared and this is to enhance worship- it is not mine but the Almighty. This is my way or praising and I hope you see it my way as well. Cheers.
Song background:

This is a knock off of Mack's arrangement that is not available to the public. However, given the time frame I had to get it finished before church the next day, I say it turned out decent. Of course, if a professional wants to clean it up then be my guest and feel free to send me a copy of it and accept my gratitude. 

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