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If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to Lisa Rochelle Zuniga!
Voicing/Instrumentation: Flute Duet/Flute Ensemble Member(s)
We also have other 26 arrangements of "Teach Me to Walk in the Light".
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More about Lisa Rochelle Zuniga:
Multi-instrumentalist (piano, organ, flute, violin, guitar, ukulele, and all manner of percussion instruments and other randomness) as well as devout member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints <3
If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to Lisa Rochelle Zuniga!
Voicing/Instrumentation: Flute Duet/Flute Ensemble Member(s)
We also have other 26 arrangements of "Teach Me to Walk in the Light".
See more from Lisa Rochelle Zuniga.
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Children's Songs
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Heavenly Father
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Teaching/Sunday School
Trust in God
Primary Song Arrangements
Children's Songs
Diligence/Commitment/Endure to End
Eternal Life/Exaltation
Heaven/Celestial Kingdom
Heavenly Father
Plan of Salvation/Premortal Life
Savior/Jesus Christ
Teaching/Sunday School
Trust in God
Primary Song Arrangements
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More about Lisa Rochelle Zuniga:
Multi-instrumentalist (piano, organ, flute, violin, guitar, ukulele, and all manner of percussion instruments and other randomness) as well as devout member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints <3
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Yesterday, we had the pleasure to play a beautiful flute trio of "Teach Me to Walk in the Light." I had the idea to do a musical number of this Children's hymn as we begin the start of school, but also as a reminder to parents everywhere of the importance of teaching our children to walk in the Light of Christ.
As I was preparing this simple arrangement, I recognized the three distinct voices in the hymn. The first voice is probably the most recognizable by those who have heard the song--the child. The child pleads with their parent to teach them how to walk in the Light, how to pray to God, to know what is right. Most of us can recite this verse by heart.
However, a less-known voice might be that of the parent in verse two. The parent asks the child to come and learn together with them of the commandments so that we can return home to His presence to live in His sight as we walk in the Light. This voice in the number is soft, low, calm, loving, and consistent in its pitch and supporting the child's voice throughout the verse. I believe this is how the Lord asks us to be as parents to our children: calm, consistent, supportive, and full of love.
Some may remember that the third verse includes the parent and child singing together as they pray for loving guidance to show them the way, showing gratitude in their praises for Him as they gladly choose to walk, together, in the light.
So... in the Children's Songbook, there is a beautiful obbligato written for the third verse which is a higher voice than the others. The third voice is a different voice altogether... almost in its own language as it does not follow the rhythm or melody of the previous verses. And while we may not know exactly what that voice is saying, we know how we feel when we hear its sweet voice... its higher and almost holier voice.
I love that the joining of the parent and child together in prayer allows for the voice of the Lord to be heard--a voice that complements and sustains and uplifts the voices of the two together. It is a beautiful harmony that builds and builds until they all end in a wonderful unison note.
I pray that you can feel the love that went into this musical number and feel of the Savior's love for you and your families. I pray that you may know that you and your families can reach out to the Lord for guidance and to share gratitude and sing praises to the Lord as you walk hand-in-hand in the Light of His Love.
Our children need this now more than ever before. I know that as we teach our children to walk in the Light, they can feel of the Savior's dear love for them and find guidance and strength. And I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
#TeachMeToWalkInTheLight #TeachMeTrio #FluteTrio #Flute #MusicalNumber #ShareGoodness #MyTestimony #LightTheWorld

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