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If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to Matt Astle!

Voicing/Instrumentation: SB, 2 part choir, Duet

We also have other 5 arrangements of "Still, Still, Still".

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Comments for this piece:
From Carole Pursley: Thank you so much for this beautiful arrangement. I want to use it for our sacrament meeting presentation and hadn't been able to find it. You are generous and wonderful to provide it for others. What a splendid and unselfish way to share your gifts and talents. Best regards, Carole
5.0 stars.

From Cyril M.: Simple, yet beautiful. Moving from ladies voices, to men's voices, then together keeps it changing and far from boring.
4.0 stars.

From Sherri Boekweg: I love this arrangement. We had the first verse be a solo and the choir came in on the second verse. There is a problem with the pdf you download to print. It is the same as the second version that you see on the website, which has some errors in the formatting of the notation on pages 3, 4, and 5. I had to copy and paste the image of the 1st version on the website to get a copy without those errors.
4.0 stars.

From Paul Erdman: I heard this performed in my ward today as a duet, and I loved it. Wonderfully unique arrangement. I especially love the relative minor harmonies used in the first verse - give it a very wintery sound. Same with the sparse block chord accompaniment in the second verse. and then the grand final verse - very nice treatments. And I very much appreciate the work you put into finding the words you used.
5.0 stars.

From Lisa Hardy: This arrangement is gorgeous! We did it as a trio with my 3 oldest daughters for a ward Christmas party. Each one sang a solo for the first three verses; the 4th verse 2 of them sang melody and my soprano sang the lower part an octave higher as a descant. Then they sang unison for the 5th verse and ending. :) It turned out beautifully!
5.0 stars.

From Julie Ieron: Thank you for this sweet arrangement. Our senior adult choir will be using it this Christmas. One of our members will sing a verse in German and then the choir will join in English. We really appreciate your generosity in sharing this! You will make a whole congregation of elders in a senior village very happy this Christmas.
5.0 stars.

From Danielle the Choir Pianist: The choir in my new ward just got started back up a few months before Christmas; I suggested this one to the new director who accepted it for performance. The choir figured it out quickly, it sounds great, and I LOVE the lyrics the arranger found. A wonderful Christmas message. ! ! ! Please note when you download from this site, the file version is off; your PDF will be the cut time version (displayed below the 4/4 version to the right). The cut time version has a few measures (like 32, 52) that are impossible to play. It seems to be fixed in the 4/4 version, but since I was only able to download the cut-time version, and since the composer never replied to my email notifying him about the error, I modified the music myself with pencil...not realizing the 4/4 version had the solutions there. So be aware of that. (I almost knocked a star off, thinking they were in the final arrangement.)
5.0 stars.

From MattHarris: Thank you so much.....congrats! Good arr
5.0 stars.

More about Matt Astle:
Matt Astle currently lives in Sammamish, Washington (just outside Seattle) with his wife and four daughters. He's on his third or fourth stint as a ward choir director (who can keep count?), and enjoys arranging music for them. He's been a musician from a very early age, and has sung with the Mormon Choir of Washington DC; his law school a cappella group, the Scales of Justice; and currently with the Northwest Sound, a championship-level barbershop chorus. Many of his most powerful spiritual experiences have a musical element to them.
Song background:

I've always loved this carol, but was always a bit puzzled by the fact that the words seem to have more to do with snow and sleeping than Jesus Christ or Christmas.  Well, all it took was a little digging for various translations on the Internet.  It turns out, "Still, Still, Still" is a very reverent Christ-centered song when you use the right lyrics.  These lyrics are a mishmash of various versions I found.

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