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Related song categories are:
Vocal Solo Medium Voice/Low Voice
Heaven/Celestial Kingdom

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Lyrics: Send me a child who is crying, and I will wipe the tears. Give me the hand of the helpless to lead to better years. For there is a child in each of us, searching for safety and peace; Reaching to open a brand new door; Holding the keys. In a child's eyes, the hope of heaven shines. In a child's heart, the love of all mankind. In a child's soul, we can see the future. Make it strong. Make it bright. Make it sure. Send me a child who is eager to work and plan and scheme. Give me his hand and together we'll start to build our dream. For there is a child in each of us longing to be set free; Reaching to open a brand new door, yearning and learning, uncovering, discovering life in its fulness, Rich in its fulness. In a child's eyes, the hope of heaven shines; In a child's heart, the love of all mankind. In a child's soul, we can see the future. Make it strong. Heal the child. Heal the child and the child will heal the world!
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