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If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to Catherine Hicken!

Voicing/Instrumentation: Primary Children/Primary Solo

See more from Catherine Hicken.

Related song categories are:
Children's Songs
Eternal Life/Exaltation
Gathering of Israel
Genealogy/Family History
Heaven/Celestial Kingdom
Heavenly Father
Missionary Work

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Song background:

This song was inspired by the message shared by Elder Quentin L. Cook in the April 2023 general conference. He spoke of our mission to help everyone return home to our Heavenly Father and the crucial role that temples play in that mission.

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Lyrics: Verse 1
God's chosen people Israel make covenants with Him.
The Lord wants all His children to be gather'd in.
As each of us comes to the Lord and pledges to obey,
We are part of gather'd Israel in that joyous day.
We will say

"We are safely gather'd home
Through cov'nants made with Thee.
In temples, donned in white,
We'll find greater truth and light.
We'll bind out hearts, dear Lord, to thee.
We will work most faithfully
Until all Thy children here and gone
Are safely gather'd home.

Verse 2
Our beacon light example will show others the way.
They will come to know their Savior as they follow Him and pray.
They cov'nant with the Father and pledge to obey.
They are part of gather'd Israel in the joyous day.

They will say


Verse 3

Many people lived and died without the chance to know
The Lord or to make cov'nants while they journeyed here below.
Through sacred, promised temple work we can gladly say
They are part of gather'd Israel on that joyous day.

They will say

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