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If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to Sarah Mueller!

Voicing/Instrumentation: SAT, SATB, Youth Choir Mixed Or Unison

See more from Sarah Mueller.

Related song categories are:
Diligence/Commitment/Endure to End
EFY style/Contemporary
Individual Worth/Self Esteem
Scriptures/Bible/Book of Mormon
Trust in God
Youth/Young Men/Young Women

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More about Sarah Mueller:
As a wife, mother, music teacher, and disciple of Jesus Christ, I love to bear testimony of God and his goodness through the music I write. Enjoy!
Song background:


Our theme for Young Women's camp this year was “Triumphant, Pure, and Strong” and the scripture for the camp was 2 Kings 6:15-17.  These two ideas combined took hold on my mind.  I knew I had a specific song the Lord wanted me to write.  It wouldn’t leave me alone.  I thought about Elisha’s lonely, frightened young servant.  I thought about the enemies that our youth face.  One day as I was jogging, ideas and words began forming in my mind.  I came home and immediately started to write.  For days, the words and music wouldn’t leave me alone.  My children would come home from school to find my music spread all over the table and no semblance of dinner ready.  It was work, but it was joyful, consecrated work.  As I finished playing it one more time, the Spirit said, “Do you know what this song is about?  It’s about suicide prevention.  It’s about choosing to stay.”  
Suddenly, it took on a new dimension for me.  I thought I knew what I was writing about, and I’d missed it!  Heavenly Father loves these youth so much, he wanted them to hear that, like Elisha’s servant, they aren’t alone, that life, all of it, is worth staying for, and that they will triumph. Yes, there will be obstacles, but they can overcome.  “There may be mountains around me, but they’re filled with heaven’s fire.  I’m not fighting alone against the Enemy’s empire.  I join legions of angels, family, leaders, teachers, friends.  They that be with us are more than they that be with them.”  So it is a call to hope, and a determined statement of certain victory: “So I will stand triumphant, strong, and pure.  Though the enemy surrounds me, with the righteous there are more.  I’ve got angels to fight for me; I know with clarity.  Now my eyes are open; now I see.”


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