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Voicing/Instrumentation: SA, Duet

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Related song categories are:
Savior/Jesus Christ
Trust in God

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Lyrics: 1.Who is that man? What is his name? His time-less grace e-rased my aw-ful shame. His kind-ly touch so eased my pain; Who's that man and tell me: What is his name? Tell me true! I'll I'll have His name. I'll re-turn and show to him my grat-i-tude. My wear-y heart is whol-ly changed! Tell me: Who's that man? And, What is his name? Anx-ious and fear-ful, I need him; The cour-age and faith he faith he gives. Ev-er so sweet-ly he beck-ons me; I wish I could just be-lieve. The hope that I feel when I see His joy. Save it be my Low ly soul. All I want is to go with him a-long his lone-ly road. 2.A car-pen-The might-y king! The Sav-ior True! His time-less grace e-rased my aw-ful shame. He is love; I give my grat-i-tude! Geth-sem-a-ne He pleads for me! He is my life! He's sent from Heav'n a-bove. There is no doubt My My My Sav-ior's name means Love. man and tell me: His His that er so ly man who knew just be-lieve. The his lone-ly A To the law-yer love thy neigh-bor as thy-self. But to thee, dis-ci-ple true, Love each oth-er as I have loved you! tress strife wish I could just be-grat-i-tude. ter, And that man's Son. First-born, Shep-herd, and the Lamb of God. The Bread of Life, Yes, Heav-en Sent, The Son of Man, Oh what has he spent? My Lord! My God! My My Sav-ior True! He is the Way! The Truth! To Him, my Grat-i-tude. He gave His Life that I might know A wel-come back in-to my heav-en-ly home. Don't think it sim-ple to fol-low him Though ea-sy the yoke bur-don light. He was born a child most low-ly, A man who knew man who knew sor-row and strife. My brok-en heart doth swell with-in To stand as his wit-ness al-ways. I'll not think to stand in his strong em-brace, But bathe his feet in my tears. Who is this man? man? 3. What is his name? He is my light; His kind-ly touch So eased my pain. He is my Lord! There is no doubt My Sav-ior's name means love.
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