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Voicing/Instrumentation: Duet, Primary Children/Primary Solo

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Related song categories are:
Children's Songs
Eternal Life/Exaltation
Heavenly Father

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More about Holly Boyd:
Holly studied voice and piano for six years in her youth and loved sitting with her sister, Wendy, at the piano to sing hymns and broadway music. She graduated with a master's degree in accounting from Brigham Young University. She presently focuses on raising her three children and creating a home where the Spirit can dwell. Uplifting music is an important part of her effort, and so she regularly thinks about poetic ways to communicate messages that she hopes to remember and teach to her children. She is grateful Wendy Jensen captures her lyrics in original musical settings that she loves singing around the home and sharing with others.
Song background:

In my childhood, I was blessed to learn the truth of my divine heritage. As an adult,  I treasure a moment in the early morning hours where peace seemed to be commanded upon my mind as I anxiously considered many of my immediate priorities. Stress surrounding my desire to be well for a baby I was carrying and energized to care for my two other young children seemed to consume me. At the time, sleep was the most important action I could take, and my efforts to calm my thoughts were ineffective. Longing for heavenly peace, my mind finally accepted relief when the command “Be still” filled me. It felt motherly and ensured the rest I needed for myself and my unborn daughter.

As I have mothered, my priorities have clarified, and I feel large parts of my role are creating an environment where the Spirit can dwell and being an example of righteousness. I know my ultimate goal is to be like my Heavenly Parents who create, love their children, and provide environments for learning and growth. This song is designed to simply remind me of this and the Savior's singular role in helping me achieve it. See “The Family: A Proclamation to the World,” Moses 7:31-37, Moses 1:39, Romans 8:16-17; Doctrine and Covenants 76:53, 58, 69; 2 Nephi 28:30; Genesis 3:22; Psalm 82:6; Matthew 5:48; 2 Corinthians 13:11;  John 15:10; and Young Women Theme.—HB



My Heavenly Parents (by Holly Boyd)

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