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We also have other 14 arrangements of "Let Zion in Her Beauty Rise".

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Related song categories are:
Vocal Solo Medium Voice/Low Voice

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More about Austin Whiting:
I began playing music with the Piano when I was 11 years old. The first song I ever played for an audience was a song I composed, and ever since then, I've composed pieces to perform for my friends and family. I now compose for Vocal Soloists, ensembles, and piano soloists.
Song background:

I've always loved this hymn, and I feel that it is often unappreciated. I'm leaving on my mission soon to Samara, Russia and my bishop asked me if I would sing a vocal solo for my farewell. I decided that if I'm going to sing something, it's going to be something that sounds exactly like I want it to. So, I arranged this piece. I've been writing original piano pieces since I was 11 years old, so writing this was a piece of cake. I took into account what the lyrics were saying at several critical points in the song and tailored the accompaniment so it struck with a little more impact. I also added one extra line at the end of the song because I felt it added something that would be really recognizable as my version of the song. Also, this is quite an advanced piece for both the vocalist and the pianist. I always take pride in making my pieces interesting! I hope you all enjoy it!

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