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Voicing/Instrumentation: SATB quartet

See more from Laurie Atanasio.

Related song categories are:
Missionary Work
Savior/Jesus Christ

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More about Laurie Atanasio:
I grew up on the East Coast of the United States. Served a mission in France. Married and have 9 children. My music is an expression of my testimony of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and my devotion to His work. I hope that you find it uplifting and a source of spiritual strength.
Song background:

This song started out as a song about life's challenges and remaining faithful but, as I wrote, everything turned toward the Savior and His example in all that we do.  It ended up as a sacrament song thet, I hope, will have lasting and practical impact on our lives.

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Lyrics: Jesus, Our Lord
Jesus, our Lord and hope of every nation,
Hear us, we pray, in humble supplication.
Save us from sin and worldly inclination,
Through Thee salvation!

As an unblemished lamb, Thine own self off’ring,
Cov’ring the price for all our sins and suff’ring,
Thy blood as rain our ransom was preparing,
Our sorrows bearing!

In dark of night, Thy friend’s embrace betrayed Thee.
Hypocrites charged Thee. Justice they forbade Thee.
Although mere mortal arms could not have stayed Thee,
Humbly obeyed Thee!

Nailed to a cross, in agony they showed Thee,
Not knowing yet the gratitude they owed Thee.
Proving Thy love, as glory overflowed Thee,
Rescue bestowed Thee!

For Thy return, we’re gratefully preparing.
For the oppressed and lonely we are caring!
Throughout the world, Thy gospel we are sharing,
Thy love declaring!

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