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If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to Lindy Kerby!

Voicing/Instrumentation: SATB

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Related song categories are:
Plan of Salvation/Premortal Life

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More about Lindy Kerby:
Thanks Lindy!
Song background:

A song I wrote to show my gratitude for so many beautiful blessings that I see all around me.
I recently added this MP3 for someone who wanted to learn this song for their choir. It's been a long time since I looked at this song, and I am a bit embarrased for the way that the sheet music looks. I probably won't redo it, but you'll have to figure out who is singing by the MP3. I apologize for this-- shows I've learned some things in the last 10 years! =)

In This Kingdom (by Lindy Kerby)

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Lyrics: In this kingdom, heavens beauty can be found.
All around me colors of the rainbow paint the sky,
Winter snows melting into forest streams,
I have even seen His love in a tiny butterfly

In this kingdom, I have freedom of religion,
the right to make decisions, the agency to pray.
I have hope, united with my family,
eternally together we will live with Him someday.

Oh how thankful are we
to live in so precious a land,
to be all that we can be,
But more precious to me,
more than life itself,
is He atoned for me

In this kingdom, He has shown me my way home
taught by living scriptures and by prophet's words of love.
If I prove faithful, and I do believe
I'll receive His blessings in the kingdom up above.


I thank thee from the bottom of my heart
for the Mercy of thy plan,
for the truth restored to man,
So thankful for thy son,
for all the things He's done
Lord, I thank thee

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