If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to Debbie Wood!
Voicing/Instrumentation: 2 part choir, Duet, Youth Choir Mixed Or Unison
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Heaven/Celestial Kingdom
Savior/Jesus Christ
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More about Debbie Wood:
How I love my mother, Brenda; my very first teacher in life. When I was eight, I had a desire to learn to play the piano and she began teaching me about the different notes. Then in Jr. High, my music teacher, Marvin Hill, understood the power of chords, and in one month, changed my life. Over the years, I've written different songs, both upon request, and to express the emotion I was feeling at the time. Each of these songs has a story of how it was written. (Which can also be found at Each of these songs I dedicate to our loving Father in Heaven and Savior, Jesus Christ. I know They live. I know They love us perfectly and give us gifts and talents to share with others and make this world a better place. How grateful I am to Them for all I've been blessed with.
Shortly after I wrote my gratitude song (Sing Unto The Lord), this song just came to me. It was like a gift from heaven. It was another song that was written within a couple of hours.
As it started, my thoughts saw the service aspect, but as I got to the part about our Savior stretching out His hands, it was as if I could see the crucifixion and His atoning sacrifice for us in this song. I began to weep, again in gratitude, determined to serve and lift others, and most importantly, to point them to Christ!
I have such a testimony that He lives! I haven't seen Him, personally, but I have seen His influence in my life! I have felt His spirit on a regular basis and I know He loves each one of us. He is aware of our needs. I know we honor Him when we serve each other.
(Sorry for this midi .mp3 - it makes it seem like this song has no feeling, pauses or slowing of any kind. I hope to do a better recording, but for now this will give you an idea of how it sounds.)
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Lyrics: CHORUS: I'll offer my hand to all who'll accept. I'll stretch forth my hands in love.
I'll give you the power to choose, you can choose.
1. The heaven's and the earth were created by hands; by the Savior's hands.
His gentle hands, they brought forth man and He blessed them; he blessed them.
His hands healed the sick; His hands raised the dead.
The blind saw His face with His hands on their head.
His hands had the power to save; that's why long ago He'd say:
2. My hands have the power to lift someone's load; help them on their way.
My gentle hands can help someone stand, I can bless them like He blessed them, so...
I'll offer my hands in love, for I have the power to choose.
My gentle hands can help someone stand, I can bless them with my hands.