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If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to Claire Chell!

Voicing/Instrumentation: Primary Children/Primary Solo

See more from Claire Chell.

Related song categories are:
Children's Songs
Diligence/Commitment/Endure to End
Heaven/Celestial Kingdom
Heavenly Father
Holy Ghost/Holy Spirit
Savior/Jesus Christ
Scriptures/Bible/Book of Mormon
Trust in God

Comments for this piece:
From Lauren: This song has me in tears - it is so lyrical and beautifully written. I can't wait to have someone special sing it for us at my child's baptism this year! Simply perfect!
5.0 stars.

More about Claire Chell:
I have always loved music, sacred music especially, even from a young age. I taught myself to play the piano using showtunes and the LDS Hymnbook and Children's Songbook. Janice Kapp Perry is my hero! Despite my love of music, I've always been terrified to perform and a few horrifying experiences in my early youth caused me to set aside playing the piano; I'd lost my love for it. Fast forward many years and I am now, with my husband, raising 3 gorgeous girlies, who like mama, also love music. We were fortunate enough to save a lot of money during the COVID19 pandemic due to not buying fuel for the cars, that we were able to afford a digital piano. I returned to teaching myself to play and I've been studying music theory alongside it. I then discovered music writing software! Now I thought maybe, just maybe, I could write a song. My second daughter's baptism was approaching and this seemed the perfect opportunity to try. God evidently thought so too because words and melody came to me as I was enjoying a swim one day soon after. My daughter and I even performed it at her baptism which was a huge deal for us, both being very shy performers. I have discovered an absolute love for writing music, and sharing it has been a way for me to share my testimony of the gospel of Jesus Christ and connect with other people across the world. I have Instagram account if you’d like to follow my musical journey: clairechell_music
Song background:

This was the song that started my music writing journey. My daughter's baptism was coming up.  We'd been learning in primary 'Jesus Once Was a Little Child' and i loved how often the word 'try' is said in the song. I wanted my daughter to know that Jesus does not expect instant perfection once we get baptised, but a life committed to trying. I wanted her to know that the covenant she was making with her Heavenly Father would give her power and strength.  I wanted her to know the beauty of repentance when she falls short, and above all I wanted her to know that her Saviour knows her name and knows her heart and accepts any sacrifice and offering she gives to him.

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Lyrics: Verse 1
Today is a new start,
I will give the Lord my heart.
I'll step down in to the waters
and pledge to do my part.
And though I'm still small
and I don't know it all,
I will try. I will try, to follow Jesus.

I am willing I will try, I will strive to live a life that follows Jesus, I'll follow Jesus.
When I fall short or go astray,
I'll repent and change my ways
back to Jesus, my Saviour Jesus.
He knows my heart, He knows my name,
He accepts my offering.
With pow'r and strength through covenants
I'll become much more like Him.
I will try, I will try, to follow Jesus.

Verse 2
I will help a friend in need,
I'll be kind in word and deed.
I will stand as a witness,
the hungry I will feed.
But I am so small and I can't do it all
I will try. I will try, to follow Jesus.

I am willing I will try, I will strive to live a life that follows Jesus, I'll follow Jesus.
When I fall short or go astray,
I'll repent and change my ways
back to Jesus, my Saviour Jesus.
He knows my heart, He knows my name,
He accepts my offering.
With pow'r and strength through covenants
I'll become much more like Him.
I will try, I will try, to follow Jesus.

I will keep the commandments and I will stand tall,
I will give my best even when my best is small.
He knows my heart, He knows my name,
He accepts my offering.
With pow'r and strength through covenants
I'll become much more like Him.

I am willing I will try, I will strive to choose the right
and follow Jesus, I'll be like Jesus.
When I fall short or go astray, He will never turn away.
Forgiving Jesus! My Saviour Jesus!
He gave His life, I'll take His name
and I'll remember Him.
Through the sacrament and the Holy Ghost,
Jesus cleanses me again.
I will try, I will try, I will try, I will try!
I will try, and with time, I'll be like Jesus

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