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If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to Christine Monson!

We also have other 57 arrangements of "I Stand All Amazed".

See more from Christine Monson.

Visit composer's personal website.

Related song categories are:
Vocal Solo Medium Voice/Low Voice
Instrumental Music or New Age
Savior/Jesus Christ
Trust in God

Comments for this piece:
From Sean R Steiner: A wonderful and thoughtful arrangement. Beautifully done. For more proficient players.
5.0 stars.

More about Christine Monson:
I am a pianist/composer/arranger/singer who lives in Bountiful, Utah. Although I do many other things in music, having earned my bachelor's in piano from Weber State University and later having done some graduate work in Musicology at BYU, sacred music is my passion. It combines my testimony, my talents and gifts, and my desires to serve and help the Lord in a way that is second to nothing else I do (except being a wife and a mother to my children). I look forward to sharing my testimony and gifts with you in a way that enables you to share your testimony and gifts with others to serve Him. I am very willing to modify pieces for your needs--I want you to be able to use the music. Contact me if I can possibly modify the piano accompaniments, provide an easier version of a piano solo (they tend to be in the late intermediate/early advanced range, depending on the piece), or change the voicing (like SSA to TTB, etc.) or transpose vocal music. Feel free to adapt the music yourself as you like. The Lord gives each of us inspiration. I don't own the inspiration He has given me. You are welcome to what He has given me, to use as He inspires you. If you have any thoughts, stories, or experiences with this music, I would love to hear them. We learn from sharing with each other. And if you see any mistakes I haven't caught (and I know they're in there--I've got too much in my mind to catch everything), or if you have any suggestions to improve things (other than simplifying arrangements or notating music more clearly--easier said than done for me to accomplish that--I'll get to furthering those ends someday), please let me know. For updates to this music (i.e., corrections, simplications--you'll really want this!) or for new additions, please fill out the contact form at my website. I am grateful for this website and for its vision. All the efforts of everyone associated with this website are given in the true spirit of consecration. And I'm grateful for the Lord, His gifts, and for His compensation--though if we all want to donate to help each other out when we use what has been offered, I'm sure not many of us would refuse that--you can do that on my website. Donations make it more possible to do some incredibly powerful recordings (much better than the ones I've made myself which you can hear here with my somewhat limited voice and audio engineering expertise) and videos to share the Gospel (there's nothing like the power of video), and donations make it more possible for me, and many others, to continue to offer more music to you, for free. I am selling a few of the pieces I have offered here for free at FreeLDSSheetMusic at SheetMusicPlus.com (http://www.sheetmusicplus.com/publishers/christine-monson-sheet-music/3006561 -- more will be added as I can). If what you use here has value here, I would welcome the additional help in managing the financial end of sharing this music by having you buy the sheet music there as well, or by purchasing recordings, or donating to our fund. Thank you so much for all of your support! Thank you for visiting. Visit my own website, ChristineMonsonMusic.com, for information on secular music offerings, as well as future works and projects in the sacred realm (and you can find my first CD there if you're interested in buying one--it includes the piano works I'm starting to share here). It's all a work ever in progress. There's only so much time left in a day after wife-ing, mother-ing, home-ing, work-ing, and call-ings, so keep checking back :)
Song background:

A completely heartfelt arrangement of "I Stand All Amazed," portraying the feelings associated with contemplating the sacrifice of Jesus Christ and His love for each one of us, as we journey from despairing wonder to grateful exultation to humble hope and gratititude. 

The link here is for a vocal solo version, at SheetMusicPlus:  https://www.sheetmusicplus.com/title/i-stand-all-amazed-medium-low-voice-piano-acc-digital-sheet-music/20426701  There is also sheet music available there for an early advanced piano solo version.  Thank you for listening, and thank you for your support! 

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and see the free sheet music/downloads for this song on the author's website. You may need to search for it within their list.

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