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If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to Connie Stauffer!

See more from Connie Stauffer.

Visit composer's personal website.

Related song categories are:
Vocal Solo High Voice/Soprano
Genealogy/Family History
Heavenly Father
Holy Ghost/Holy Spirit
Individual Worth/Self Esteem

Comments for this piece:
From susan henry: Very beautiful!!!! Thank you for sharing! Very well written!
5.0 stars.

From Isui Borbolla: I sang it at a competition... I didn't won nothing because of the many talented participants, but I really enjoyed while singing it. My mom and more people told me they were ministered by the song, and personally, I loved the song. Thank you for sharing your talent with the people.
5.0 stars.

More about Connie Stauffer:
I was raised in Thatcher, Utah, a small town west of Tremonton on the north end of the state. Home is where I enjoy being the most. If I leave, it is usually for something very important. To relax or to waste a few minutes, I gravitate to my piano. My favorite thing to do is to turn out the lights when I'm alone and play to my heart's content. This is one way I find ideas for music. Another place where I've gotten more than a few ideas is when I've been exercising, whether it's walking the trails of Alpine, or riding my road bike. I think about my life and the issues of the day while walking, and those moments frequently end with music rattling through my head. I have a husband, five children and fourteen grandchildren - all of whom are the light of my life. I'd rather be with any one of them than just about anything. However, I do enjoy my solitude, which is probably why the hobby of writing music has been so appealing to me. My mother was my music teacher until she said I had outgrown her. I then took from a wonderful lady who helped shape me. Oh how I would love to have a sit-down visit with her. She probably knows me better than anyone, as she was there as I was in the process of becoming. I've been blessed with a husband who is the wind beneath my wings. He's made every possible sacrifice to encourage my music - whether just enjoying playing or writing. Were it not for his support, there is no way I could take it to the level where I can share it. The music on this site is music from my heart over the past 38+ years. It has been my solace through hard times and my joy through the good times. Much of it was "unsolicited" by me; it just came. Some of it has come through assignments or good people trusting me with their lyrics. All of it has been a miracle in my own eyes, as it was not something for which I was trained. My fingers somehow knew how to produce what was rattling through my head and by brute force it has found its way to paper. I hope you will enjoy it and let me know how you are using it. My website has much of what is here plus a lot of songs that do not fall into the "Sacred Music" genre. Feel free to visit it. I love suggestions and comments!
Song background:

This song was written when we were sitting on top of a wave. Life's lesson teach us to savor these precious moments.  His love is always present.  We need to have eyes to see and ears to hear though.


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Lyrics: I pray. I ponder the beauties that surround me.
I'm filled with awe at my Heavenly Father's care.
The love of family, friends and neighbors far and near.
In gratitude, I pray. I know He hears.

I feel His love, the love He gives to me.
Earth angels that surround me, and those I cannot see.
Warmth fills my soul with sweetest harmony.
I feel my Savior near to me.

But if I lost my home, my family, friends; I'm all alone.
Would then my heart feel joy to sing?
I'd ponder, then I'd pray for strength to make it one more day.
With Christ beside me, He will lead the way.

I see the beauty of mountains that surround me.
I hear the birds sing; and waves crash on the seas.
I'm filled with wonder at my Heavenly Father's care.
In gratitude I kneel in humble prayer.

And I think of His love when in my deepest hour;
Remembering the price He paid for His atoning power.
In gratitude, I fall down on my knees.
I feel my Savior's love. He's always near to me.

I feel His love, the love He freely gives.
Earth angels that surround me, the world wherein I live.
Warmth fills my soul with sweetest harmony.
The love He gives has set me free.

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