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If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to Kathryn Latour!
Voicing/Instrumentation: SA, 2 part choir, Duet, Youth Choir Mixed Or Unison
See more from Kathryn Latour.
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More about Kathryn Latour:
I studied piano beginning at age 8 and my best skill is sight reading. I have had vocal instruction and have sung in church, university, and performance choirs since age 12. I received conducting training and subsequently led youth choirs, a semi professional adult choir, and a university choir. Because of the need for certain suitable music, I have had to arrange music for my choirs and have learned how to compose as a result. I still do a great deal of accompanying (on piano and organ) and leading choirs.
If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to Kathryn Latour!
Voicing/Instrumentation: SA, 2 part choir, Duet, Youth Choir Mixed Or Unison
See more from Kathryn Latour.
Related song categories are:
Vocal Solo Medium Voice/Low Voice
Heavenly Father
Joseph Smith
Savior/Jesus Christ
Vocal Solo Medium Voice/Low Voice
Heavenly Father
Joseph Smith
Savior/Jesus Christ
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More about Kathryn Latour:
I studied piano beginning at age 8 and my best skill is sight reading. I have had vocal instruction and have sung in church, university, and performance choirs since age 12. I received conducting training and subsequently led youth choirs, a semi professional adult choir, and a university choir. Because of the need for certain suitable music, I have had to arrange music for my choirs and have learned how to compose as a result. I still do a great deal of accompanying (on piano and organ) and leading choirs.
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Simple account of the First Vision of Joseph Smith with bearing of testimony of it.

Lyrics: I believe that a boy named Joseph Smith worried about which church he should seek.
Pastor, Preacher. What could they tell him? He was dismayed and his choices were bleak.
He believed that the Bible was God's own word. He read in James that he could just ask.
Father, Savior. Could he just ask them? Would they assist with this confusing task?
Silently, reverently, Joseph walked into the trees.
Silently, reverently, he fell to his knees.
"God," pled he, "I don't know which church to join. I need an answer, forgiveness, too."
"Joseph, Joseph, Hear my Beloved." The Father and Son told him what he must do.
Of this I bear record. I know it is true.
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