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If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to David Sharp!

Voicing/Instrumentation: Piano Solo

See more from David Sharp.

Related song categories are:
Children's Songs
Heavenly Father
Holy Ghost/Holy Spirit

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More about David Sharp:
Just a grandpa who loves music and grandkids
Song background:

I wrote this song for my two granddaughters. This is my first so if you find any errors and corrections, please let me know about them. Thanks.

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Lyrics: I Am His Daughter
by D R Sharp

I know I'm loved by my Heavenly Father.
And I know that I am His daughter.
He has promised me blessings eternal,
If I will follow His Son.

On earth, I'm loved by my father and mother.
And I'm grateful that I am their daughter.
They have taught me to live righteously,
to serve and be kind to everyone one.

I will always pray, read the scriptures and have faith.
I'll trust in the prophets and follow what they say.

I know I'm loved by my Heavenly Father.
And I'm grateful that I am His daughter.
His Holy Spirit will guide me each day,
When I'm following His Son,
My Savior, Jesus Christ, His Son.

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