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Voicing/Instrumentation: SATB

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Related song categories are:
Savior/Jesus Christ

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Song background:

Sometimes it feels that our simple acts of faith are just not enough.  How can I praise?  How can I show? How can I serve?

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Lyrics: How can I praise Thee,
my God and my King?
What lowly off'ring to Thee could I bring?
No earthly diadem,
no lovely flow'r,
could show my love for Thee fully this hour.

How can I show Thee,
my Savior most dear,
how much I need Thee to stay with me here?
No worldly accolade,
no lauding cheer,
could be more precious than having you near.

How can I serve Thee,
my Shepherd and Friend?
Who in thy kingdom shall I go attend?
How may I minister,
who can I lift?
How can I share best thy heavenly gift?

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