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If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to Diane Tuiofu!
Voicing/Instrumentation: SA
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See more from Toni Thomas.
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- hereamis...opart pdf (view, print, download)
- hereamis...endme pdf (view, print, download)
If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to Diane Tuiofu!
Voicing/Instrumentation: SA
See more from Diane Tuiofu.
Visit composer's personal website.
See more from Toni Thomas.
Visit composer's personal website.
Related song categories are:
Vocal Solo High Voice/Soprano
Vocal Solo High Voice/Soprano
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for this piece (opens in a new window)."Here Am I; Send Me" is a beautiful testimony of the happiness that comes with walking in the Lord's ways and as we serve others and preach the Gospel.
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Lyrics: Verse 1
The love of God
Has followed me all of my days.
There is no greater happiness
Than walking in His ways.
I’ve known the joy of serving,
The peace that speaks within,
The sweetness of repentance
Stealing sorrow from my sin.
For this, I know God lives.
But a world without faith
Is a world in chains;
As the darkness deepens
How can hope remain?
Who will bring the light,
The truth that maketh free?
Who’ll reflect the love
That the Savior guaranteed?
Lord, here am I; I will go.
Here am I; send me.
Verse 2
Where sorrow dwells,
Where emptiness wearies the soul,
I’ll gladly share those heavy cares
As Jesus bore my own.
I’ll seek the hearts that hunger,
Yet wander, lost in fear,
And teach them of their Father
Who longs to draw them near.
For this, I know: God loves.
Where would I be today,
If not for others long ago
Who sacrificed time and life,
So that I could know?
So that I could know?
Repeat Chorus
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