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If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to Dean Reed Guymon!

Voicing/Instrumentation: ST, Duet

See more from Dean Reed Guymon.

Related song categories are:
Eternal Life/Exaltation
Heaven/Celestial Kingdom
Plan of Salvation/Premortal Life

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More about Dean Reed Guymon:
Trumpet; BS from BYU; Electrical Contractor; Master Electrician. At times melodies have come easily. One song was played on an Orem radio station for awhile. At 3 funerals and 2 sacrament meetings, Mother's Song was sung. Babe Of Light was sung in two sacrament meetings and at a stake "choirside." Mostly, my music has remained dormant for years.
Song background:

Heaven's Key Duet

Caleb Cuzner has made this special duet piano arrangement.  I truly appreciate his help.  I only do the easy part:  melodies and lyric.  I require people who have "paid the high price" required to create beautiful piano arrangements.  Caleb has done that and I am fortunate to have had him help me!  

In 1978, I was all alone in the evening hanging electrical fixtures in a new school building in Rawlins, Wyoming and was singing beautiful songs I had heard on the radio over the years. A few weeks earlier, I had been asked to write a song for a ward Relief Society event that was a few days away.  As I was singing on the scaffold, this melody just came "out of now where,"  and I think a few of the words.  The lyric just seemed to fall together quite easily during following days.  Harry Taylor played the guitar with three of us singing Heaven’s Key for the Relief Society program.  In 1979, Michael Runyan made a very nice piano arrangement for solo which Michael placed on sheet music.  A lady accompanied me as I sang his arrangement at my daughter's wedding reception. 

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