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Voicing/Instrumentation: SATB
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Bruce - The 2005 rededication of the Apia Samos Temple after it's terrible fire (all but the Angel Moroni statue was destroyed or made unusable from the fire) and the bicentennial of Joseph Smith's birth, beginning the Restoration of the Gospel, both happening in the same year was too much for artists to keep silent - too many parallels!
This text was origianaly titled "God's Temple Is Restored", celebrating the rise of the new building, but I changed "Temple" for Kingdom" and I like the new title and theme much better - celebrating the Restoration of the Gospel, using the rebuilding of the temple as a simile.
This text placed a s and Award of Merit (2nd Place) in the 2006 LDS Church Music Submission in the Hymn Text Category. It is also one of my favorites. Every artist has somethig they would like to be remembered for - this is one of thise for me.