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If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to Doreen McGowan!

See more from Doreen McGowan.

Related song categories are:
Vocal Solo Medium Voice/Low Voice
Fatherhood/Father's Day
Motherhood/Mother's Day/Sisterhood

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More about Doreen McGowan:
Doreen has been writing music for church choir, solos, and small ensembles for many years. She is a piano teacher, and also enjoys playing the French horn and bassoon. Mother of 3, grandmother of 7, wife of one wonderful husband. She enjoys creating arrangements for varied groups of instruments - if you have a miscellaneous ensemble that would like to play together (sacrament meeting, ward Christmas party, etc), she would be delighted to create a custom arrangement for you.
Song background:

This was written for the wedding of my oldest daughter.  A friend later asked to use it for her daughter's wedding, and I arranged it for her in a three part setting (indexed separately).  

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Lyrics: Blushing bride, handsome groom, loved ones gathered in this room
Now the two joined as one, forever, for always, for time and eternity
Forever, for always be one.

A family is forever, it starts with man and wife,
They take sacred vows and pledge to share their life.
Through sunny days and stormy, through laugher and through tears
Led by the Savior, together through the years.

Blushing bride, handsome groom, loved ones gathered in this room
Now the two joined as one, forever, for always, for time and eternity
Forever, for always be one.

Yesterday so tiny, then all too quickly grown
Soon they will have a family of their own.
The circle is eternal, it reaches far beyond,
Loved ones who've gone before connected in this bond.

Blushing bride, handsome groom, loved ones gathered in this room
Now the two joined as one, forever, for always, for time and eternity
Forever, for always be one.

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