If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to Loren Erickson!
Voicing/Instrumentation: SATB, Organ/Organ Accompaniment
See more from Loren Erickson.
Diligence/Commitment/Endure to End
Heavenly Father
Plan of Salvation/Premortal Life
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More about Loren Erickson:
My first introduction to music was playing the trumpet in an elementary school band. How many of those do you see anymore? In Junior High I took up singing and performed in various choirs and musicals through high school and college. When I was called as ward music chairman and took on the additional responsibilities of ward choir director, I wanted to see of I could arrange music for the choir. Many of those early attempts were...well...awful. But I had a very forgiving Bishop and patient accompanists and choir and I continued to learn. I am now stake music chairman and have inflicted slightly less atrocious arrangements on otherwise unsuspecting congregations. I also currently sing with Millennial Choirs and Orchestras, a multi-denominational choral movement spanning five western states in the USA. My experience in MCO has had a profound influence on how I look at music, what it means, and why it is important to understand meaning behind notes and lyrics when performing it. I hope that what I leave here is not as awful as I have suggested that it might be with this introduction, but either way, know that there is a little piece of my soul in everything you will find from me here. Please provide feedback on my work. That is the only way I will learn.
One person I hope to meet in the grand eternal reunion is Charles Wesley. This man, despite living in the 1700s, had more knowledge of the truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ than many people today. His inspired words are set to music in our current hymn book in familiar and perhaps surprising places, such as Christ the Lord is Ris'n Today, Rejoice the Lord is King, and let us not forget the MOTAB favorite, Love Divine All Loves Excelling.
I have been fascinated by Wesley's words for many years, and have wanted to try setting them to music. I've never done a traditional hymn before, but something about the bare honesty of his words prompted me to try this format first. This is voiced for SATB and may be accompanied by the piano or organ, or sung a Capella.
I hope you find the music equal to the words. If you have occasion to use this work, please let me know how it goes.

Lyrics: Father, whose everlasting love
Thy only Son for ransom gave,
Whose grace to all would surely move,
And sent Him down, the world to save.
The world He suffered to redeem,
For all He hath atonement made;
For those who humbly come to Him,
Sufficient, sovereign, saving grace.
Help us Thy mercy to extol,
Immense, unfathomed, unconfined.
To praise the Lamb who died for all,
The precious Savior of mankind.
Why then, thou universal Love,
Should any of Thy own despair?
To all, to all, thy mercy move,
And straightened in our own we are.