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If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to James Grant Jones!
Voicing/Instrumentation: SATB
See more from James Grant Jones.
Comments for this piece:
From Connie: Absolutely beautiful in every aspect. The lyrics are off the chart. Thanks for sharing. I wish I had a choir to sing it.
5.0 stars.
More about James Grant Jones:
My testimony, family, and music have been the anchors throughout my life. I studied at BYU in the glorious 80's! I live and work in Southern Cal. I enjoy my beautiful wife and awesome nieces and nephews - seems they always want $'s and chocolate! I've enjoyed writing ballads for many years. I've recently tried my hand at a few original choral/hymn pieces and primary songs - a few of which are here. I get to see and feel the joy of kids as they first come to experience the beauty of music God has granted, as I teach piano in my spare time. I'm a long time ward organist and primary accompanist. Drop me a line if you see or feel something unique or discover where I could improve. Thanks! James
If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to James Grant Jones!
Voicing/Instrumentation: SATB
See more from James Grant Jones.
Comments for this piece:
From Connie: Absolutely beautiful in every aspect. The lyrics are off the chart. Thanks for sharing. I wish I had a choir to sing it.
5.0 stars.
More about James Grant Jones:
My testimony, family, and music have been the anchors throughout my life. I studied at BYU in the glorious 80's! I live and work in Southern Cal. I enjoy my beautiful wife and awesome nieces and nephews - seems they always want $'s and chocolate! I've enjoyed writing ballads for many years. I've recently tried my hand at a few original choral/hymn pieces and primary songs - a few of which are here. I get to see and feel the joy of kids as they first come to experience the beauty of music God has granted, as I teach piano in my spare time. I'm a long time ward organist and primary accompanist. Drop me a line if you see or feel something unique or discover where I could improve. Thanks! James
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This selection is part of an Easter work in progress. Listening to it as a stand alone piece you may feel it plods along rather slowly in some parts (like Bolero!). I hope you feel a constant rhythm and beat throughout like God is doing His work. The piece is laying out the creations story w/visuals. I know 6:00 plus minutes! My attention span is like 3:30 min. You can always listen to half of it and come back later for the rest :-)

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