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If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to Jarom Luker!
Voicing/Instrumentation: SSAB
We also have other 13 arrangements of "Come, Ye Disconsolate".
See more from Jarom Luker.
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More about Jarom Luker:
I have been a musician all of my life. Singing, piano, and trombone have all been very important to me. I was also born hard-of-hearing and that situation continues to worsen. I was recently called as a ward choir director (a position I thought I would never be able to hold because of my hearing), and due to the unusual makeup of our ward choir, traditional arrangements have not worked well for us. I decided to try my hand at arranging, using the hymnal as a source. I do not play around too much with voicing (transposing and moving the tenor part to the altos is about as bold as I get), but I like to give the pianist more to do than simply double the vocals playing block chords.
If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to Jarom Luker!
Voicing/Instrumentation: SSAB
We also have other 13 arrangements of "Come, Ye Disconsolate".
See more from Jarom Luker.
Related song categories are:
Heaven/Celestial Kingdom
Savior/Jesus Christ
Trust in God
Choir with Soloist or Optional Soloist
Heaven/Celestial Kingdom
Savior/Jesus Christ
Trust in God
Choir with Soloist or Optional Soloist
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More about Jarom Luker:
I have been a musician all of my life. Singing, piano, and trombone have all been very important to me. I was also born hard-of-hearing and that situation continues to worsen. I was recently called as a ward choir director (a position I thought I would never be able to hold because of my hearing), and due to the unusual makeup of our ward choir, traditional arrangements have not worked well for us. I decided to try my hand at arranging, using the hymnal as a source. I do not play around too much with voicing (transposing and moving the tenor part to the altos is about as bold as I get), but I like to give the pianist more to do than simply double the vocals playing block chords.
Song background:
You can also visit the author's original page
for this piece (opens in a new window).This arrangement came about because the women in my ward choir really shine, but the men are underrepresented. There are simply not enough to have a tenor and a bass section. I have yet to find accessible arrangements for my small choir, so I started writing my own. This is one of my all-time favorite hymn texts. I would probably not be nearly as familiar but for Rob Gardner's musical fireside, "Saints and Pioneers," which I was privileged to take part in presenting in an Institute choir about ten years ago. Though I love that version, it is a solo, so I arranged the hymnal harmony with a rolling piano. The pace is quick, because the tone is that life goes on despite all hardship.
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