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If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to Andrew Moore!

Voicing/Instrumentation: SATB, Choir Unison, Vocal Solo

See more from Andrew Moore.

Visit composer's personal website.

Related song categories are:
Diligence/Commitment/Endure to End
Savior/Jesus Christ
Come unto Christ Mutual Theme 2014

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Song background:

Piano accompaniment and parts practice audio available from here.

For more hymns/songs like this, please download the compilation "Hymns of Faith and Worship".


You can also visit the author's original page for this piece (opens in a new window).
Sheet music playthrough video:
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Lyrics: 1. On Galilee's shores, in a time long ago,
Over peaceful blue waters, the fishermen row.
As Jesus looks out, He calls them by name,
Inviting them to His side,
So tenderly calling, "Come, follow me.
Come, follow me. Come, follow me.
I will make you fishers of men.
Forever in me abide."

2. Then leaving their nets, heeding all that He says,
They would follow their Master and learn of His ways.
They watched as He healed and blessed those in need,
In awe of His works and deeds.
For Jesus was calling, "Come, follow me.
Come, follow me. Come, follow me.
Learn of me and become my disciples;
Come unto me and see."

3. And as Jesus taught every soul who would hear,
They would feast on His words as the children drew near:
His gospel proclaimed, His wonders performed,
His arms opened wide to greet.
The Saviour was calling, "Come, follow me.
Come, follow me. Come, follow me.
I will lead you to life everlasting;
Come unto me and see."

4. And now as we hear that same message of love,
How He wants us to live with our Father above,
His hands still reach out to help lift us up;
His comfort will never end.
For gently He's calling, "Come, follow me.
Come, follow me. Come, follow me.
Take my hand and together we'll journey;
Come unto me, my friend."

5. O Saviour, in Thee there is safety, I know,
As I travel through life with its hardships and woes.
Then cometh the day I’m called to return;
I'll faithfully now prepare.
So answ'ring Thy call, I'll come unto Thee,
Come unto Thee, Come unto Thee.
In humility, there may I enter
Into Thy loving care.
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