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If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to AnnMarie Murdock!

Voicing/Instrumentation: SATB

We also have other 7 arrangements of "Come, Lord Jesus".

See more from AnnMarie Murdock.

Related song categories are:
Eternal Life/Exaltation
Savior/Jesus Christ
Violin Optional Obbligato/Violin Accompaniment

Comments for this piece:
From Ruth: I love this arrangement! I think the combination of "Jesus Once of Humble Birth" with "Come Lord Jesus" is inspired. I've got this bookmarked to use next year with our ward choir.
5.0 stars.

From Becky Gentry: My choir sounded lovely doing this arrangement. Thank you for making it so beautiful. We tried our the organ on the third verse since it was beyond the skill level of our violinists. I'm amazed by how this arrangement made this great song even better for my choir!
5.0 stars.

From Becky Gentry: My choir sounded lovely doing this arrangement. Thank you for making it so beautiful. We tried our the organ on the third verse since it was beyond the skill level of our violinists. I'm amazed by how this arrangement made this great song even better for my choir!
5.0 stars.

More about AnnMarie Murdock:
I love making arrangements of hymns! They teach me so much and bring the Spirit into my home.
Song background:

Come, Lord Jesus--Hymn #1018. This is an SATB Arrangement with piano and violin. The original hymn is only 2-part, but I wrote a 4-part for the last verse (this is optional--could just sing straight out of the hymn book Hymnplicity style). Instead of printing the whole score for your choir, I have included a road map/cheat sheet that you can print instead. Women would sing the alto line from the hymn book for that first verse (SA). 3rd verse SATB parts are included on the cheat sheet.

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