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Voicing/Instrumentation: SATB, SATB quartet
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More about Holly Boyd:
Holly studied voice and piano for six years in her youth and loved sitting with her sister, Wendy, at the piano to sing hymns and broadway music. She graduated with a master's degree in accounting from Brigham Young University. She presently focuses on raising her three children and creating a home where the Spirit can dwell. Uplifting music is an important part of her effort, and so she regularly thinks about poetic ways to communicate messages that she hopes to remember and teach to her children. She is grateful Wendy Jensen captures her lyrics in original musical settings that she loves singing around the home and sharing with others.
Before the Nephites were blessed with Christ’s presence and institution of the sacrament, they endured terrible tumult, darkness, and mourning. In their condition of sadness, a voice from heaven spoke of truth and hope. I imagine them turning from their preoccupations with worldly disorder and working to discern the sacred message. To likewise experience the Savior’s presence and mercy, I hope to approach the sacrament as a time to pause and seek the light Christ can offer.
I wrote these lyrics when my husband and I were reviewing our home fire evacuation plan. Imagining our small children in danger prompted greater preparation and unquestionable commitment to rescue them. Christ speaks of His commitment to save us, like a father of little children, as He indeed “laid down [His] life” to bring us redemption. I see the sacrament as a reminder of His plan for our eternal safety. See 3 Nephi 9:15-22, 3 Nephi 18, and Moroni 10:32-33.—HB