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If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to Holly Boyd!
Voicing/Instrumentation: Duet, Primary Children/Primary Solo
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More about Holly Boyd:
Holly studied voice and piano for six years in her youth and loved sitting with her sister, Wendy, at the piano to sing hymns and broadway music. She graduated with a master's degree in accounting from Brigham Young University. She presently focuses on raising her three children and creating a home where the Spirit can dwell. Uplifting music is an important part of her effort, and so she regularly thinks about poetic ways to communicate messages that she hopes to remember and teach to her children. She is grateful Wendy Jensen captures her lyrics in original musical settings that she loves singing around the home and sharing with others.
If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to Holly Boyd!
Voicing/Instrumentation: Duet, Primary Children/Primary Solo
See more from Holly Boyd.
Visit composer's personal website.
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More about Holly Boyd:
Holly studied voice and piano for six years in her youth and loved sitting with her sister, Wendy, at the piano to sing hymns and broadway music. She graduated with a master's degree in accounting from Brigham Young University. She presently focuses on raising her three children and creating a home where the Spirit can dwell. Uplifting music is an important part of her effort, and so she regularly thinks about poetic ways to communicate messages that she hopes to remember and teach to her children. She is grateful Wendy Jensen captures her lyrics in original musical settings that she loves singing around the home and sharing with others.
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The chapters on baptism at the Waters of Mormon and Come Follow Me's instruction on unity from verses in Mosiah 18 inspired these lyrics for primary singing. I love the idea that taking on Christ's name is like taking on our family names when we are born. Baptism allows Christ to become the Father of our souls, a provider for life and salvation. I feel that Christ's church is like a mother for my soul where I am taught, nurtured, and numbered (and born again as I join the Church through baptism). With the hope of evoking entrance into Christ's family upon baptism, this song highlights unity found with brothers and sisters in Christ.

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