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If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to Marianne Axman!

Voicing/Instrumentation: Vocal Solo, Young Women Voices

See more from Marianne Axman.

Visit composer's personal website.

Related song categories are:
Book of Mormon
Individual Worth/Self Esteem
Relief Society/Sisterhood/Women
Savior/Jesus Christ
Scriptures/Bible/Book of Mormon
Youth/Young Men/Young Women

Comments for this piece:
From Bruce Forbes: I love the lyrics! Just the song we need to teach to both the boys and the girls!
5.0 stars.

More about Marianne Axman:
I live in Idaho, USA with my husband and five children ages 10, 8, 7, 6, and 2 (3 adopted and 2 biological). I play the piano frequently as an accompanist. I started to arrange and write music after being unable to find the sheet music for certain songs that I had heard, loved, and really wanted to play. I also arrange folk songs, transcribe songs from movies , and write originals (all available for free on my blog). I enjoy being with my family, landscaping, reading, art, hiking, and anything that takes me outdoors.
Song background:

LDS song honoring righteous women from the Bible and Book of Mormon and about following their righteous examples.

You can also visit the author's original page for this piece (opens in a new window).
Sheet music playthrough video:
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Lyrics: Brave Like Esther

Verse 1
Brave like Esther as she fasted,
trusting God she faced the king.
True as Ruth was in her sorrow,
she left home to follow God.
Faith like Abish taught in childhood,
staying strong alone in truth.
Pure like Anna ever serving,
she was blessed to see our Savior.
Verse 2
Brave as Eve was in the garden
when she chose to eat the fruit.
True as Hannah to the Lord
when she was blessed and had a son.
Faith like Sariah and her fam’ly
traveling in the wilderness.
Pure as Mary sweet and gentle,
mortal mother of our Savior
Help me to follow after them,
their lives of service and of love.
Help me be brave and true and pure,
have faith and live more perfectly.

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