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If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to Terri Hutchings!
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Related song categories are:
Vocal Solo High Voice/Soprano
Savior/Jesus Christ
Vocal Solo High Voice/Soprano
Savior/Jesus Christ
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Lyrics: With a kiss
The son of man had been betrayed.
“Whom seek ye?”
“Jesus of Nazareth.”
“I am he.”
Then swords were drawn
A wounded guard
Twelve legions of angels waited,
Wanted to fall on earth
To defend their king.
But He withheld the command.
Stretched forth his hand
And healed the wounded man.
They bound his hands
They led him away
And then, with justice stayed,
Began the trial of lies.
Silence spoke defense
He let them falsely try his fate.
They accused him then they spat upon his face.
A crown of thorns,
A whip of thongs.
They stripped and then they beat him.
Angels turned their heads and cried,
“Please let us fall to his side.”
Said He,
“Thus it must be,
To this end came I to the world.”
“Behold your king.
Shall I crucify your king?”
“We have no king,” they cried
And angels cried.
They nailed his hands.
Night burned the day.
The earth and angels trembled,
Turned away as they crucified the king.
From the dead
He arose in glory
Still He lives
And angels cry with joy.
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