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If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to Laurel Frost!
Voicing/Instrumentation: SATB
See more from Laurel Frost.
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More about Laurel Frost:
I write hymn texts and then collaborate with experienced composers or adapt age-old tunes in the public domain to fit my lyrics.
If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to Laurel Frost!
Voicing/Instrumentation: SATB
See more from Laurel Frost.
Visit composer's personal website.
Related song categories are:
Diligence/Commitment/Endure to End
Eternal Life/Exaltation
Heaven/Celestial Kingdom
Diligence/Commitment/Endure to End
Eternal Life/Exaltation
Heaven/Celestial Kingdom
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More about Laurel Frost:
I write hymn texts and then collaborate with experienced composers or adapt age-old tunes in the public domain to fit my lyrics.
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Lyrics: All creation doth rev’rence Thy majesty, Lord,
For the stars and the sun and the moon
Sing in praise to Thy name with the heavenly choir,
As the planets revolve to the tune.
Tow’ring mountains flow down at a blast of Thy breath;
Quiet valleys heave up at Thy nod.
Stormy seas become calm with a glance of Thine eye;
Mother earth kneels before Thee, her God.
What is man? He is less than the dust of the earth,
For the dust never fails to obey;
Yet Thy work and Thy glory is nurturing men
To be heirs in Thy kingdom one day.
I will follow Thy course, as the sun and the moon;
I will rush to obey, as the sea.
I will bend to Thy will, as Thy handiwork does,
That I, too, may bring glory to Thee.
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