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If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to Loren Erickson!
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More about Loren Erickson:
My first introduction to music was playing the trumpet in an elementary school band. How many of those do you see anymore? In Junior High I took up singing and performed in various choirs and musicals through high school and college. When I was called as ward music chairman and took on the additional responsibilities of ward choir director, I wanted to see of I could arrange music for the choir. Many of those early attempts were...well...awful. But I had a very forgiving Bishop and patient accompanists and choir and I continued to learn. I am now stake music chairman and have inflicted slightly less atrocious arrangements on otherwise unsuspecting congregations. I also currently sing with Millennial Choirs and Orchestras, a multi-denominational choral movement spanning five western states in the USA. My experience in MCO has had a profound influence on how I look at music, what it means, and why it is important to understand meaning behind notes and lyrics when performing it. I hope that what I leave here is not as awful as I have suggested that it might be with this introduction, but either way, know that there is a little piece of my soul in everything you will find from me here. Please provide feedback on my work. That is the only way I will learn.
If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to Loren Erickson!
See more from Loren Erickson.
Related song categories are:
Vocal Solo High Voice/Soprano
Missionary Work
Savior/Jesus Christ
Vocal Solo High Voice/Soprano
Missionary Work
Savior/Jesus Christ
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More about Loren Erickson:
My first introduction to music was playing the trumpet in an elementary school band. How many of those do you see anymore? In Junior High I took up singing and performed in various choirs and musicals through high school and college. When I was called as ward music chairman and took on the additional responsibilities of ward choir director, I wanted to see of I could arrange music for the choir. Many of those early attempts were...well...awful. But I had a very forgiving Bishop and patient accompanists and choir and I continued to learn. I am now stake music chairman and have inflicted slightly less atrocious arrangements on otherwise unsuspecting congregations. I also currently sing with Millennial Choirs and Orchestras, a multi-denominational choral movement spanning five western states in the USA. My experience in MCO has had a profound influence on how I look at music, what it means, and why it is important to understand meaning behind notes and lyrics when performing it. I hope that what I leave here is not as awful as I have suggested that it might be with this introduction, but either way, know that there is a little piece of my soul in everything you will find from me here. Please provide feedback on my work. That is the only way I will learn.
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I suppose it's appropriate to pubilsh this piece on election day, November 3, 2020. As I'm sure is true for many of you, I've bene preoccupied with the unrest that plagues our society today. This original work is an attempt to highlight the impact these events have on us individually and collectively (verses 1 and 2). It continues by recognizing that peace has been promised to those who exercise faith in Jesus Christ, born "a tiny babe". The last verse celebrates a conviction to reflect the light that we have so surely been given.
If you decide to use this work please let me know and provide feedback so I can improve.

Lyrics: On yet another Christmas night,
I stand within the fading light,
and think of all that’s good and right
o’ershadowed by the hu-man fight.
I seek for a candle in a window,
a light shining bright in the dark,
a beacon of comfort, an earnest glow,
reveal the truth to warm my heart.
In shadow of the celebration,
one man judged o’er another’s station,
Inner turmoil grips the nation,
Freedom quakes in its foundation.
We seek for a candle in a window,
let a light shine bright in the dark,
a beacon of comfort, an earnest glow,
reveal the truth to free our hearts.
As a candle in a stable glows,
mem’ry stirs of a promise made,
a witness of love and mercy shown,
fulfilled in truth in a tiny babe.
This child, this candle in a window,
is the light and the life of the world,
the fount from which all blessings flow,
sign of peace o’er all the world re-vealed.
Let my candle in the window burn,
reflecting mercy, love, and goodness giv’n.
Let my instrument in his hand be turned
to guide his children back to heav’n.
This is the candle in my window.
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