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If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to Melinda Nixon Allred!

Voicing/Instrumentation: Choir Unison, Primary Children/Primary Solo

See more from Melinda Nixon Allred.

Related song categories are:
Book of Mormon
Children's Songs
Savior/Jesus Christ
Violin Optional Obbligato/Violin Accompaniment

Comments for this piece:
From Madison Rae: I love how simple and beautiful this song is. It's easy for singers and accompanists alike, and also has a unique melody. LOVE!
5.0 stars.

From Jared Walker: My wife and I were jointly called to be primary choristers. We love the calling! We had 6 months to prepare for and have present the primary program with the children in Sacrament meeting; it was wonderful. 2 weeks after the program, we found out that we needed to perform in Sacrament meeting, a Christmas song. We came across this song; A Book of Mormon 0f Christmas. Heaven helped you to write this song. You will be blessed melinda! With love and appreciation, Jared and Aimee Walker
5.0 stars.

From Misty: This song is my new Christmas favorite! It is so beautiful and invites the spirit! I love the Majesty of the chorus and the reverence I feel as the children sing it! It's just beautiful!! Thank you so much for sharing! Thank you so very much for sharing!!
5.0 stars.

From Emma M.: The primary kids sang this in our ward last year, and it was the highlight of the meeting. It is not your typical primary Christmas song, and has such a majesty in the chorus. All of our kids love singing it!
5.0 stars.

From Caleb Aldredge: Best new Christmas song ever! This needs to be in the new Primary song book!
5.0 stars.

From Alicia: We are so excited to sing your song in Primary and for Sacrament meeting for Christmas! I was wondering if you have music for the violin part as well? Thank you so much for sharing your amazing talent with all of us!
5.0 stars.

From Debra Rohrer: I am president of the young woman class and we are trying to sing your song book of Mormon Christmas story
5.0 stars.

From Robin: Our Primary children LOVE this song! We have a very small primary of 8 children, but they love to sing this song with gusto! We are preforming this in Sacrament meeting today. Thank you once again for a beautiful song!
5.0 stars.

More about Melinda Nixon Allred:
Trying to bring souls unto Christ one song at a time.
Song background:


One of my favorite parts of the Book of Mormon is found in 3 Nephi chapter 1 when the signs of the Savior's birth were made manifest to those on the American continent. I can't help but wonder what it would have been like to be there and to see the sun set, but to have no darkness throughout the night, and then to see the star that followed. 
I have written this  children's song because I believe that our little ones who sing so tenderly of Baby Jesus, Mary and Joseph, a star, a manger, and shepherds, could sing just as tenderly of what happened that very same night on the other side of the world. It is a testament that Jesus Christ is the Savior of the whole world and that Heavenly Father wanted all of His children to know that the Messiah had finally come. 


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