Quote: "The song of the righteous is a prayer unto me, and it shall be answered with a blessing upon their heads." D&C 25:12

Wexford Carol Wexford_Carol_Organ_by_Brian_Richey


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So for 2023, it is expected that I write a christmas piece or arrange one. I have nor the time or the creativity to do so. For our combined ward christmas program, I've decided to do one of Mack Wilberg's christmas pieces. I love his Wexford Carol as much as First Nowell but for the other I need an hand or 5 extra fingers because 10 doesn't get the job done. I have enjoyed Wexford Carol for over 15 years when I heard it on the first presidency devotional sometime between 2006-2010 (I know I had kids somewhere in that time period). So here is my attempt to make an organ solo out of it. I haven't had a chance to play it through on the organ- I'll have to wait til the chapel is empty. Also, the key is a bit tricky.