Quote: "The song of the righteous is a prayer unto me, and it shall be answered with a blessing upon their heads." D&C 25:12


Come unto Jesus Come-unto-Jesus-Vocal-Solo-by-Kelli-Dougal


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I have always loved the words of the hymn "Come Unto Jesus" but have never been a big fan of the current arrangement in our hymnbook. To me, the melody and accompaniment were not sweet enough to cradle the beautiful words of the hymn.

One day while I was worrying about a family member and praying that he could better understand how to use the Atonement in his life, I sat down at the piano and this beautiful melody came to me. Within an hour, I had arranged a new setting for the hymn and written an additional verse to further convey the far-reaching effects of Jesus Christ's love and mercy.

Although this hymn is currently written for a soloist, I am planning to write a choral arrangement as well. The mp3 is from a previous version of the song, and so you'll notice the accompaniment on the PDF version is a little bit different. I wanted the beginning to be a little simpler and gentler and simplified some of the accompaniment. Enjoy!