If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to Jodie M. Jensen!
Voicing/Instrumentation: SSAATTBB
See more from Jodie M. Jensen.
Eternal Life/Exaltation
Heavenly Father
Individual Worth/Self Esteem
Choir with Soloist or Optional Soloist
Comments for this piece:
From Michael Jensen: This song is beautiful and inspired.
5.0 stars.
More about Jodie M. Jensen:
I live in Richmond, Texas, with my husband and 2 kids, where I serve as ward and stake choir director. I've always felt like there was music fighting to get out of me, but for some reason there was a block. Recently, to my great astonishment, the block has been removed, and the music has been flooding my mind ever since! I feel humbled by the power of music, and truly believe that it can touch hearts in a way words alone never can. When we choose to use that power for good, the power of the Spirit is magnified through our music.
Doctrine and Covenants 45:3-5 has long since been one of my favorite scriptures. In these verses, we learn that not only has Christ already paid the price for every one of our sins, but He stands even now before the Father as our advocate, pleading our cause. The depth of His love is unfathomable! As a youth, I sought to gain a personal witness of my Savoir, and the Spirit guided me to these verses. I wanted to share the power of this truth with others. Since I don't have a recording of it yet, I have added the computer playback. Just imagine a chamber choir sound, with all of the appropriate fermatas, crescendos, etc. that the playback doesn't do. It will be performed for the first time in my ward this month! I'll record it and upload it.

Lyrics: Listen to Him, who is the Advocate, who is pleading your cause before Him.
For the Father will hear the pleas of Him who did no sin.
In Whom He was well pleased!
Saying "Father, behold the suffering and death of Him who did no sin.
Wherefore Father,
(Behold the blood of Thy Son),
Spare these my brethren
(Thou gavest and all the glory be Thine).
Dear Father,
(If they believe on me),
Spare these, my brethren who believe."
Listen to HIm. Listen to Him,
Your advocate, your advocate.
"That they may come, that they may come unto me,
(A place prepared if they believe.)
That they may come unto me
(Eternal life if they receive).
That they may come,
That they may have eternal life.
Have eternal life!"