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If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to Lindy Kerby!

Voicing/Instrumentation: SSA

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Related song categories are:
Motherhood/Mother's Day/Sisterhood
Relief Society/Sisterhood/Women

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More about Lindy Kerby:
Thanks Lindy!
Song background:

The idea for this song came at the 2000 BYU Women's Conference. I was sitting in the Marriot Center looking around at the thousands of LDS sisters all around me, and I just sat in awe as I thought of all we had in common as sisters. I felt compelled to write this song. I collaborated with Susan Noyes Anderson, who wrote these beautiful words. It was written intended for a larger choir with a soloist over the top on the final chorus.)

Women of God (by Lindy Kerby)

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Lyrics: The lyrics for this song were written by Susan Noyes Anderson

Surrounded by my sisters,
I remember who I am.
The spirit of this gathering
recalls our Father?s plan,
presented by a Brother
in heav?nly courts above;
and we were there as we are here
to feel His perfect love.

(Chorus)- Choir
Women of God, united for now and evermore...
our voices raised in tribute to a King.
and we will stand, hand in hand,
together, bold and true.
He has given us a mighty work to do.
In this life, we have a mighty work to do.

We're mothers and we're daughters;
we are sisters, wives and friends.
Our calling is a sacred one,
for life is in our hands.
We're reaching out for virtue,
and when our hearts are pure
we bless the lives of others
with a love that can endure.

The words we use are not the same;
we come from many lands,
and yet we speak a language
every Sister understands
of faith and hope and charity,
of life before our birth,
of service and compassion,
and a purpose here on earth.


The gifts we bring are varied.
Some have many, others few.
But each of us has what she needs
to see her mission through.
We'll stand with the believers;
the gospel we will share,
and we will sing the song of truth
to people ev'rywhere.
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