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Voicing/Instrumentation: SAB

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More about Linda Pratt:
Some of my very earliest memories are of sitting beside my mother singing hymns in church. As I got older, my brother, Dan and I often had our stuffed animals attend church in one of our bedrooms where we would sing "Come, Come Ye Saints" at the tops of our voices. We knew all four verses by heart. When I turned ten, I joined the ward choir. My weak soprano voice didn't really add much to the choir, but I absorbed the music and grew to love the hymns of Zion. As I grew, some of my warmest spiritual moments occurred while I was singing hymns with the Ward Choir or the congregation. I sang them. I memorized them. I loved them. Today, writing hymn arrangements is a natural step in sharing my love of them with others. They can be a pathway to bring us closer to Heavenly Father in a way unknown by words alone.
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