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If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to Vanessa Gledhill!

Voicing/Instrumentation: Duet, Primary Children/Primary Solo

See more from Vanessa Gledhill.

Visit composer's personal website.

Related song categories are:
Children's Songs
Savior/Jesus Christ
Trust in God
Includes Vocal Obbligato/Descant
Primary with Choir or Adults

Comments for this piece:
From Connie Stauffer: I would have enjoyed reading with the music. Time is so limited, I just moved on. My problem; not yours. It's a nice song.

More about Vanessa Gledhill:
The moment my family inherited our 100 year old piano, it was love at first sight for me. Before I learned to read music, I was composing songs on the piano. That passion for creating music has stayed with me throughout my life. I love to share my testimony through song. I hope my music can uplift, bring a smile to, and draw others closer to Christ.
Song background:

A NEW children’s song about Faith in Jesus Christ! Nephi had faith to build a boat and travel to a new land. Moses had faith to part the Red Sea when armies threatened to destroy the Israelites. Both trusted that Jesus Christ would help them and miracles happened. We can have our own miracles today, when we trust in Christ.

When I Trust in Christ (by Vanessa Gledhill)

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and see the free sheet music/downloads for this song on the author's website. You may need to search for it within their list.

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