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If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to Kenneth R Hardman!

Voicing/Instrumentation: ST, Duet, Guitar, Guitar Chords Available

See more from Kenneth R Hardman.

Related song categories are:
Scriptures/Bible/Book of Mormon
Second Coming/Millenium

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More about Kenneth R Hardman:
Kenneth R Hardman is a singer songwriter, engineer, father of eight, guitar player, writer, and believer in Jesus Christ.
Song background:

Father Adam called his posterity together before his death, blessed them and prophecied. He will return with the righteous in the Last Days at Adam-ondi-ahman in preparation for the 2nd Coming of the Savior. References: Daniel 12:1-3, D&C 107:53-56, 116:1, and Moses 7:63.

** VIEW the accompanying LYRIC MUSIC VIDEO on YouTube. https://youtu.be/wKWFENrg2LA?si=5Y5SSfo-sFy_2V0x

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Lyrics: When Earth Meets Heaven

1. Come stand here beside me, and look to the future.
From here you can see the whole story unfold.
Each step a journey of promise and learning,
Til’ Earth meets Heaven once more.

2. Come step from the darkness, surrounded by virtue.
No scales there to blind you, no doubt in your way.
Immersed in the treasure, eternal in measure,
Til’ Earth meets Heaven once more.

But for now we have faith, in the word and the witness.
For now we have hope, through his love and his goodness.
For now we have peace, for we know he’ll embrace us,
When Earth meets Heaven once more.

3. Look back through the pages, and see to the future.
Look on through the ages, let glory unfold.
Have faith in tomorrow, work now and be ready,
When Earth meets Heaven once more.

4. This grand old river, the peace of this valley.
The keys of forever will come here to join.
Will come with the bearer, the bearers of ages,
When Earth meets Heaven once more.

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