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If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to Andrew Moore!

Voicing/Instrumentation: SATB

See more from Andrew Moore.

Visit composer's personal website.

Related song categories are:
Second Coming/Millenium

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Song background:

A rousing hymn about the Lord's second coming and our preparation for that joyful day.

Please visit  www.ldsmusicalitems.co.uk  for full MP3 piano accompaniment for all verses, plus soprano, alto, tenor and bass practice MP3 files.

You can also visit the author's original page for this piece (opens in a new window).
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Lyrics: 1. Zion, prepare for the time and season now at hand,
The world awaits His coming in these, the latter days,
Prophets have spoken, their prophecies are now fulfilling,
Hastening the day when the Saviour comes again.

2. Stalwart and faithful, the saints shall stand in holy places,
Guarding every virtue, defending truth and right,
Gathered together, they'll safety find in stakes of Zion,
Watching for the day when the Saviour comes again.

3. Fear not the future, when holding to the rod of iron,
Ever straight and narrow, the path of righteousness
Leads to the presence of He who then will reign supreme.
Prepare ye for the day when the Saviour comes again.

4. Great is the day when the Lord returns in power and glory,
Heavenly hosts attending, in triumph, praise His name,
Shouts of Hosanna, as choirs of angels sing with joy,
For this shall be the day when our Saviour comes again.
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