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AaronWaite.com's free sheet music now offered exclusively through freeldssheetmusic.org! He also has a wide selection of high quality (and very cheap) sheet music on his website.
If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to Aaron Waite!
See more from Aaron Waite.
Visit composer's personal website.
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More about Aaron Waite:
AaronWaite.com's free sheet music now offered exclusively through freeldssheetmusic.org! He also has a wide selection of high quality (and very cheap) sheet music on his website.
Song background:
You can also visit the author's original page
for this piece (opens in a new window).After winning in the hymn text category in the 2009 church music contest with "Lord Grant Me Breath," I guess it's okay to say I'm pretty good with lyrics! :) I always loved when President Hinckley would refer to the area of Joseph Smith First Vision as "the grove called Sacred," so I wrote some hymn lyrics quickly one afternoon to parallel the famous hymn in the hymnbook. Incidentally, my wife was asleep when I wrote them down, so I didn't have access to a notebook...so I wrote the words on a napkin! :) I'm JK Rowling!
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