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Voicing/Instrumentation: 2 part choir

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More about Donnalynn Grunewald:
Most of my music is original. Because I have lived in small branches for most of my life, I try to write songs that can be performed by a small group or a choir of inexperienced singers.
Song background:

This is a simplified version of the S(S)AB voicing. This is a great selection for choirs with men who don’t read music or who are inexperienced in part singing as they have the melody for much of the piece.

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Lyrics: We are the stars in the Beth’lem sky. Oh, we are the stars in the Beth’lem sky.
We are the stars in the Beth’lem sky and we watch o’er the baby Jesu.

Hush, ye creatures and let Him sleep. Oh, hush, ye creatures and let Him sleep.
Hush, ye creatures and let Him sleep for the child is the baby Jesu.

Come, ye shepherds and gather ’round. Oh, come, ye shepherds and gather ’round.
Hush, ye shepherds and gather ’round. Come and worship the baby Jesu.

Sing, ye angels, aloud for joy. Oh, sing, ye angels, aloud for joy.
Sing, ye angels, aloud for joy. Come and sing to the baby Jesu.

We are the stars…
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