If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to Lyle Hadlock!
Voicing/Instrumentation: Duet
See more from Lyle Hadlock.
Visit composer's personal website.
Comments for this piece:
From Andrea: This is stunning! I can't wait to put together a special musical number for Sacrament meeting. It needs some strings--especially a bass. Any chance you could write some strings parts? I have access to a bassist--that would be amazing. I also have access to two violins, a viola, and a cello. Imagine this with a full complement of strings behind it. Please make it happen!!!!
My wife forwarded me an email she received with the song writing submission information and the theme of Moses 6:34 for women's conference 2025. I created a piano vocal sheet on my notation software. I then read the theme, and the opening lyrics and melody of the song entered my head. This song is likening our lives as a daily walk. There are mountains to climb, valleys and rivers to travail. We all face these challenges on our journey to return to our Father in Heaven. There is a constant theme in the song to ask for help, "walk with me, abide in me." The song has a softer undertone for the most part and only at the bridge and key change to repeat the main theme does it get louder. My desire is to instill hope in all who participate in listening and performing. Stylistic wise, while writing and arranging this, I hear an "Adele", or Lauren Daigle type of style in singing this.