If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to Paula Powers!
Voicing/Instrumentation: SA
Savior/Jesus Christ
Truth/Wisdom and Knowledge
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I am a mother of 5 children. My husband and I raised them all to be good and wonderful people who love the true gospel of Jesus Christ. As they have left our Influence and have gone out into the world, I often hear them getting caught up in the newest worldly theme or politically correct wind of doctrine. One of my daughters was losing a bit of faith as she listened to voices of the world. My heart ached for her to stay focused on the light of the gospel and not let the mists of darkness make her spiritually blind. As I focused on ways to help her, I felt inspiration to start writing a song about how to keep one’s faith in Christ and not doubt. My daughter has since made a full recovery of her faith, but temptation, sin and pride are constantly mocking all of us from the sidelines, hoping to cause shadows of doubt on our faith and blind us to the Savior’s light and love. The story of the blind man in Luke 18:35-43 parallels what the Savior will do for us.
If we find our faith and come unto our Savior, keeping his commandments and covenants, he will continually lead us to safety and truth with his light which pierces the spiritual darkness all around us, and we will be saved.