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If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to Beth Shurtleff!
Voicing/Instrumentation: Vocal Solo
See more from Beth Shurtleff.
Comments for this piece:
From Rene': This is great!! I think I will change a word or two to go along with our theme. Thank you for making this available to us!
4.0 stars.
From Rene': This is great!! I think I will change a word or two to go along with our theme. Thank you for making this available to us!
4.0 stars.
If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to Beth Shurtleff!
Voicing/Instrumentation: Vocal Solo
See more from Beth Shurtleff.
Related song categories are:
Heavenly Father
Individual Worth/Self Esteem
Young Women Values
Youth/Young Men/Young Women
We Believe Mutual Theme 2011
Women Unison
Heavenly Father
Individual Worth/Self Esteem
Young Women Values
Youth/Young Men/Young Women
We Believe Mutual Theme 2011
Women Unison
Comments for this piece:
From Rene': This is great!! I think I will change a word or two to go along with our theme. Thank you for making this available to us!
4.0 stars.
From Rene': This is great!! I think I will change a word or two to go along with our theme. Thank you for making this available to us!
4.0 stars.
Song background:
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This song was written in 2011 for the Chelemes Ward Young Women Camp. It correlates with two themes - the youth theme that year, which centered on the 13th article of faith, and the theme for the camp, which was treasures. For much of the camp, we talked about spiritual treasures we should seek. But as I sought inspiration for the song, I was overwhelemed by the idea that we are treasures of our Heavenly Father - we are His treasures! And that is what this song is about.

Lyrics: Once upon a time, in a place I can’t recall
Our Heav’nly Father told us
Of a plan to save us all
We would come to earth, be tested
And we’d prove ourselves to Him
And with our Savior’s love, we could live with God again.
Verse 2:
So now here I am
In a place where I must choose
If I will take the narrow way
Or if sin will blind my view
And though sometimes I have struggled,
I have come to understand
My Savior’s done his part,
Now the choice is in my hands.
I am a daughter of a Heav’nly King
And I will seek things of eternity
I will seek honesty and virtue
Benevolence and truth.
I’ll seek out righteousness in everything I do.
Verse 3:
There are many things of value
Wealth and pride and pow’r,
But none of these will come with us when we leave this world of ours
So I will choose the things of sacredness.
I’ll choose God and family.
And I will seek the temple blessings waiting for me.
[Repeat Chorus]
Verse 4:
When this life is over
All my treasures have been won
I’ll stand before my Father
And present him with all I’ve done.
I imagine that he’ll hold me
In his arms, his precious child,
And he’ll say, “Thank you for these treasures, but you, you are my treasure.”
I am his treasure!
Final Chorus
I am a daughter of my Heav’nly King,
And I will seek things of eternity.
I will be honest, virtuous, benevolent and true.
I will be righteous in everything I do.
I’ll seek eternity in everything I do!
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