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If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to Gail H. Johnsen!
Voicing/Instrumentation: Trio
See more from Gail H. Johnsen.
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More about Gail H. Johnsen:
Writing lyrics has been my favorite creative endeavor for my entire adult life. My English degree from BYU has benefitted this creativity. I have lived in several areas of the country and found composer who share my joy in creating music
If you sing/use this song, please contact the composer and say thank you to Gail H. Johnsen!
Voicing/Instrumentation: Trio
See more from Gail H. Johnsen.
Visit composer's personal website.
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More about Gail H. Johnsen:
Writing lyrics has been my favorite creative endeavor for my entire adult life. My English degree from BYU has benefitted this creativity. I have lived in several areas of the country and found composer who share my joy in creating music
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Christmas trio for children

Lyrics: The Three Wise Men
1st Singer: The three Wise Men were following a star, riding on their camels traveling afar.
2nd Singer: The three Wise Men brought treasures to behold; Gave the Son of God myrrh, frankincense and gold.
3rd Singer: The three Wise Men knelt down before the Babe; He would sacrifice to spare us from the grave.
1st Singer: The gold, a gift, to those of royal birth; He was king of Kings, who now had come to earth.
2nd Singer: The frankincense, an ointment from the East; This to signify Him as the great High Priest.
3rd Singer: The myrrh prepared the body for the tomb; He alone could save form sin and death and doom.
Together: When we are wise, our lives to Him we bring, following in His footsteps, Savior, Lord, and King
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